
"I want to worship this God you represent. The God who is interested in an abundant life for me here and now.”   Tong Wol, a participant from - South Sudan

"Now that I know FARM STEW, when I go to a new area, I will go with my shovel first." Lassane Kaboré, Bible worker - Burkina Faso

"Where FARM STEW goes, the church grows!" Pastor William, President of the Wau Field - South Sudan

“The most simple and yet comprehensive “cooking school” that I have ever seen. It was a first-class bush-level presentation.”  Kim Busl - OCI leader - Southern Africa

God is working powerfully to impact the community through their committed service to the wellbeing of the people they serve… Only in heaven will we learn of all those who have been blessed by this ministry!”  Ted N.C. Wilson, President of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist

We had a fruitful farming. Many were blessed with the project. Many were inspired. Bible worker - Philippines

“Now I can feed my children every day!” Rose, a FARM STEW participant in Uganda

“Wherever we went, we saw gardens. We saw people with more space planting more, and we saw people with no space doing something.” Henry Stubbs, FARM STEW partner leader - Cuba

Dr. Sherry Shrestha, Board Member

When I traveled with Joy to Uganda and South Sudan in 2021, I saw an incredible program at work.Trainers were in each village at least once weekly if not more. In addition to training sessions, they wereworking to help people have more food by establishing nurseries, planting demonstration gardens,attempting to bring in equipment to improve food production such as solar driers and hand mills forgrinding, and establishing farmers cooperatives. Homes and villages were FARM STEW certified and hadto meet the criteria to be so. We then added well drilling and repair to what we do. People were truly getting the “full meal deal.” I have never seen, in my limited experience, a better and more complete program to change lives. What FARM STEW is teaching and doing is not rocket science and it has been done before in many other organizations, but what makes FARM STEW unique is the ability to address many problems in one complete package all based on Biblical wisdom.

Prof. Archileo N. Kaaya

Head, Dept. of Food Technology & Nutrition
College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda

The nutritional counsel they are promoting is applicable and highly relevant to the poor of our beloved country of Uganda and even the whole region of East Africa…. By educating and mobilizing the staff of FARM STEW and their partners, the impact of the organization is growing in both reputation and fame… I personally have reviewed the curriculum of FARM STEW and have encouraged them to press on, seeking to share what they are teaching with all levels of the Ugandan Ministries of Health and Agriculture…. I pledge my support to advance FARM STEW projects in the district, and I will seek to leverage local, national, and international funding to support the work as I can see that it is advancing the goals of Makerere University and other international agencies.Read the full letter of recommendation

Kim Busl, the OCI Field Vice President for Africa

“They put on the most simple and yet comprehensive “cooking school” that I have ever seen. Surrounded by 50 to 75 adults, plus children, on an open fire with the pots balancing on three stones, they make very nutritional and tasty dishes from locally grown food.”“At the end, all the food is cooked, and everybody present eats. Additionally, they teach hygiene and health-related principles. Each of the team members is interesting, animated, and knowledgeable. They interact and engage the people in a way I’ve not seen before. It was a first-class bush-level presentation.”

Edwin Dysinger, MPH, formerly with ADRA Sudan & FARM STEW board member

FARM STEW has a number of interventions that they are promoting in their community outreach.  They are encouraging farmers and others to grow soybeans; distributing vegetable starts; providing training for making soy milk, tofu, using a “rainbow” (vegetables of different colors), using green breadfruit as a meat-like dish, and more; distributing re-usable sanitary pads to school girls; and overseeing over 40 savings groups.During our time with the FARM STEW team, we were able to observe 4 different nutrition demonstrations in which each audience was taught two or more of the dishes mentioned above... I was very impressed by these demonstrations.  The training is very practical and appropriate to the setting.  The materials and methods used are those used by, and/or available to, the audience.  They are also very participatory.  Members of the audience are solicited to contribute knives and pots, haul water, to dice the vegetables for the “rainbow”…  Sometimes, a volunteer is asked to recap for the others what has just been taught.  As the teaching is done, stories and illustrations are used, and many additional practical points are made relating to the rest of life, relationships, and spirituality. The audiences are all clearly engaged.I believe that FARM STEW has tremendous potential to work with local churches to educate members for their betterment, and their extended family and neighbors.

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