We are committed to the wholistic health of rural farming families and villages. Our hands-on, practical methods are accessible to all, breaking down language and literacy barriers with pictorial and hands-on training. We are dedicated to training community leaders to guide others towards a healthier, abundant life.
In our commitment to serving the needy - the hungry, orphans, refugees, and prisoners - we echo Christ's love for the poor. This is not just our mission, it's our calling.
We're passionately advocating for our planet with sustainable farming and plant-based diets. As stewards of creation, we understand the life-giving cycle of springtime and harvest are essential to human survival and a cherished gift from God.
We cherish every life, seeing each person as a reflection of God’s divine love. Our mission is to uplift and enrich lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We honor His love, most vividly shown through Jesus, by serving others, and like Him, we hope to reach all nations, tribes and tongues in our desire to share His blessings.
FARM STEW International's mission is to improve the health and well- being of poor families and vulnerable people by sharing God's powerful recipe of abundant life throughout the world.
FARM STEW, inspired by Jesus's teaching that all “may have life and have it more abundantly” found in John 10:10. Through FARM STEW training, the world’s poor and vulnerable people are equipped with skills to overcome hunger, disease, and poverty.
Prevent the devastating, lifelong impact of malnutrition in children under five by encouraging prenatal nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, and enhancing the dietary quality of weaning foods. Promoting a whole foods, plant-based diverse diet for all people, especially for adolescent girls, expectant mothers, and the elderly.
Nurturing subsistence farm families with the skills and tools to create vibrant kitchen gardens using regenerative agriculture, with the mission to ensure safe, nutritious food access for all and to eradicate hunger year-round.
Increase simple, domestic processing of readily available plant-based foods like soybeans, maize, fruits, and vegetables to maximize the nutrient value and to preserve food for year-round consumption.
Encourage savings and biblical money management, promoting entrepreneurial skills and creating value-added products with their agricultural surplus.
Achieve access to proper sanitation and hygiene, especially related to menstrual hygiene for school-aged girls. End open defecation, and promote handwashing with a focus on those in vulnerable situations.