Change Made Possible Through You!

Not too far from the Nile River, in Tuenygeu Village, South Sudan, lives Rhoda and her seven children. She is one of the villagers who has benefitted from FARM STEW training. In that training, Rhoda learned about the recipe for abundant life, and at home with her family she began implementing what she had learned.

Rhoda planted a kitchen garden full of nutritious food for her family and mulched the rows of vegetables. She built a tippy-tap for handwashing and started a compost pile. The entire family was happy with the change.   

A tippy-tap provides running water for washing ones hands, while simultaneously saving water.

Of all the beneficial lessons that FARM STEW taught, Rhoda's new skills in farming and enterprise have been the most appreciated.

At the beginning of the dry season, when most farmers prepared for famine, Rhoda planted collards and eggplant and mulched them well. She carried water from the river to water her garden, and when she harvested the fruits of her labors, she sold the crops at a premium since she was the only one with fresh produce to sell. 

When school opened, she was able to pay school fees for her 5 school-aged children. Thanks to FARM STEW’s lesson on proper rest, the children were rested and enthusiastically ready to learn in the classroom. 

With her leftover money, Rhoda bought a water pump to bring water from the river to her garden. 

Rhoda in her garden with John a FARM STEW trainer.

As you can imagine, Rhoda is highly appreciative of the training that she received through FARM STEW. She understands money management now and is expanding her enterprise. 

Today Rhoda earns money weekly from her garden, and she has much better and more healthy food for her family to eat. She has achieved freedom from dependency! What do you suppose this enterprise will enable her to do next?

Thank you for choosing to help change more lives like Rhoda’s through FARM STEW!

Karissa Ziegler

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