
Knowledge and opportunities to pursue sustainable food and income

Making Small-Businesses Possible

We believe that God desires all to have an abundant life so we focus our entrepreneurial work on businesses that will lead to health and wellness. Farming itself is a business that must be entered into with a mind trained toward profitability in order for it to be sustainable. Our hands-on cooking classes provide skills to start home industries.

"But we urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more; that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands." 1 Thess. 4:10-12
Small Business

Many of the skills we teach result in the ability to make product (e.g. farming, cooking). Locals have taken their new knowledge and begun their own small businesses selling the new products they make at home.Many families have launched sustainable businesses making soy mandazi and soy milk. We encourage and equip them for success.

Tackling Inequality

With the knowledge we are teaching, new business opportunities are available to men and women both young and old. Particularly in cultures where women have almost no access to cash, small changes can make a tremendous positive difference.


Rather than handouts, FARM STEW believes in business. That's why we sell seeds, at a very reduced rate, to local gardeners.In the near future, FARM STEW Foods companies in Africa will begin producing locally available foods for retail, with 100% of the profits dedicated to sustaining the community based outreach work of FARM STEW.


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