The work of planning, growing, preparing and cleaning up after meals is a labor of love and the primary occupation of many women around the world. The mere act of eating together with others promotes both physical and psychological health.FARM STEW promotes nutrient-dense food production that addresses critical deficiencies, such as bright orange sweet potatoes carrying a daily dose of health preserving vitamin A, and hybrids of beans that increase iron content.
Beans are amazing! Not only do they nourish the body with high quality protein, fats and iron, they nourish the soil too.One serving of legumes (the bean family) a day, leads to 4 extra years of life!Soybeans contain the highest quality protein available and can be consumed in a tremendous variety of ways. We teach the multiple ways of using this dynamic bean and consider soy to be a nutritional pot of gold.
By eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, ating across the natural color spectrum, you can assure your micronutrient needs are met by the food you eat.The fake "rainbow" of artificial colors and packaging often are foods that contain little value for human health.God's way vs. man's way? Whose goal is your abundant life?
We emphasize locally available tropical foods that can easily be grown by the families that need them most.We teach hands-on cooking classes focused on domestic food processing and preservation techniques to enrich the bioavailability of nutrients year-round for all ages.Everyone participates and everyone enjoys!